The Piltdown Hoax
The Piltdown Hoax was based on an archeological site in England during the early 1900s where archeologist Charles Dawson claimed he discovered parts of a human, ape and other mammal fossils. Together he and a group of experts including English geologist Arthur Smith Woodward, French paleontologist Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and English anatomist Arthur Keith discovered what would be recognized as the Piltdown Man. Supposedly, all those parts that were found had belonged to a single human being, however it wasn't until about 50 years later that the Piltdown man was found to be nothing but a false discovery, hence the new given name, the Piltdown Hoax.
All humans have faults, it is in our nature, purposely or accidental. Self interest, fame and dishonesty were some faults found in this situation. Dawson wanted so badly to be notoriously recognized for his discovery and to be accepted by the scientific community that he went to great lengths to create this false finding. Although he had some good intentions, like having some discoveries his country could take pride in, it was not the right way to go about accomplishing them.
The Piltdown Hoax would've never been brought to light had it not been for new scientific technologies like fluorine testing and microscopes. This helped scientists greatly in finding a correct timeline for the fossils.
I don't think its possible to completely remove human factors from science because we'd still need human input to help determine things that a computer cannot. Machines don't have the passion or drive to affect there work and that is what makes for a great discovery.
The lesson learned here is to never believe every single thing you hear, even if there is supposed evidence. Anything can be fabricated or planted. We will never really know what is fake or what is real. The only reliable source that can help verify a claim is scientific proof and even that can sometimes be doubted. One must always have a solid argument to back up their claims.
Actually, Dawson claimed to have found evidence of an early human, along with some other early mammals. How was the fossil discovered? What specific bones were found? What was the significance of this fossil, had it been valid? What would it have taught us about how humans evolved? This was a complicated and interesting story. It could have been greatly expanded upon.
It is likely that Dawson was involved but we still aren't sure who the actual culprits were, though I agree pride was involved and perhaps ambition. What about the scientists who accepted this find with so little analysis and skepticism? What faults did they exhibit and why?
"The Piltdown Hoax would've never been brought to light had it not been for new scientific technologies like fluorine testing and microscopes."
I agree that the new technologies helped, but I disagree with the conclusions that without them, the fraud would never have been brought to light. What is it about the process of science that caused scientists to be studying this fossil some 40 years after it was unearthed? Do you think, with that kind of perseverance, that it is safe to say the hoax never would have been revealed eventually?
Good discussion on the human factor.
Doubt and skepticism are good as long as they are reasonably applied.
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